This section outlines conformance requirements for the CollabKare and Client applications, identifying the specific profiles that need to be supported, the specific RESTful operations that need to be supported, and the search parameters that need to be supported.
This section describes the expected capabilities of the CollabKare actor that is responsible for providing responses to the queries submitted by the CollabKare Requestors. The complete list of FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters supported by CollabKare are defined.
The CollabKare responder SHALL:
The CollabKare responder SHOULD:
attribute for each instance.The CollabKares responder SHALL:
Authorization: Bearer {server-specific-token-here}
HTTP 401
Unauthorized response code.Specific server search capabilities are under analysis.
Supported Profiles: Specific profile support requirements are under analysis.
Server side Operations
A server SHALL be capable of returning based on Snomed-CT code
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=Snomed-CT code
A server SHALL be capable of returning a patient Obstetric history
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=248983002
A server SHALL be capable of returning a patient PregnancyObservation
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=289908002
A server SHALL be capable of returning a patient Gynecological history (observable entity)
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=267011001
A server SHALL be capable of returning a patient BreastObservation
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=76752008
A server SHALL be capable of returning a patient MensuralCycleObservation
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=248960000
A server SHALL be capable of returning a patient OtherObservation
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=74964007
A server SHALL be capable of returning a patient PapSmearObservation
GET [base]/Observation?patient=[id]&code=90226004
A server SHALL Creates a new Observation resource.
POST [base]/Observation
A server SHALL Updates Observation resource.
PUT [base]/Observation/[id]
A server SHALL Deletes a single Observation based on the ID supplied
DELETE [base]/Observation/[id]
The workflow module focuses on the coordination of activities within and across systems. Workflow manifests in many places in the healthcare environment:
Messaging System
The messaging system exists to support context-based routing of messages. In app Notifications : We are creating a separate protocol through web sockets for messaging. For Example, If one from other device updates the patient related information, then it will display a message regarding the patient related updates in app.
Clinical Decision Support System will work by taking CDS Hooks. In client App, CDS Hooks fhir up the CDS Services. By using CDS Hooks, the third party service will work.
User activity inside the EHR triggers CDS hooks in real-time.
A CDS Hooks scenario typically includes two main actors: an EHR and a CDS Service. The interaction for the patient-view hook is as follows.
The subscription resource is used to define a push based subscription from a server to another system. A notification for a limited time, giving the updates details. We are using the following subscription types.
1. REST Hook: In this rest-hook subscription type If the subscription requests that the whole resource is included, the URL is interpreted as the service base. Criteria is important in the rest-hook type subscription. Based on criteria it will return the update information. If the end time will expires then the status will return Off. Again we need to reset the date and change the status to active.
2. Email: In this email type subscription, A notification is sent to the nominated email address. Email type subscription will have payload. we will mention some description in this payload. criteria is important in the email type subscription.
3. WebSocket: websocket type subscription A message is sent to the designated URI. web mean network socket mean connection websocket mean network connection. this websocket mainly used to communicate with the client device without need of communication Once a subscription is created, any newly created or updated resources will be returned. In this process, it will return only one resource type update information. But we implemented one to many resource type information. Criteria is important in the websocket type subscription. Suppose, patient have lot of information means this includes multiple resource types. when we use this websocket type subscription, it will return all the resource types update information.
FHIRPath is a path-based navigation and extraction language, somewhat like XPath. Operations are expressed in terms of the logical content of hierarchical data models, and support traversal, selection and filtering of data.
Use of FHIRPath in Clinical Quality Language (CQL)
Clinical Quality Language is being extended to use FHIRPath as its core path language, in much the same way that XQuery uses XPath to represent paths within queries. When a path expression involves an element with multiple cardinality, the expression is considered short-hand for an equivalent query invocation.
For example: